From Colombia, a true Mecca of Ornithology, to the “Tierra del Fuego” of Argentina, through the incredible biodiversity of Ecuador, the enchanted archipelago of the Galápagos, the Andean landscapes of Peru, and the immensity of Brazil, we invite you to share our passion and discover the fabulous world of tropical American birds in different forms.

Photo and bird watching tours with Birding Experience
Photo and bird watching tours with Birding Experience

Photo and bird watching tours

These photographic tours and workshops are designed and run by our expert photographers to maximise the time available for bird photography and also to improve the techniques used in the field.

Our tours
Birding tours with Birding Experience
Birding tours with Birding Experience

Birding tours

Considered by many to be the promised land of birders, the South American continent, home to over 33% of the world's birdlife, is full of birding opportunities. Our tailor-made small group tours are geared towards both the hard core birder and the contemplative beginner.

Our tours
Scientific tours among birds with Birding Experience
Scientific tours among birds with Birding Experience

Scientific tours among birds

What would conservation be without science? Who are the local actors of these two essential dynamics for nature? Join us to meet the men and women who are trying to better understand the ecological and biological dynamics of neotropical ecosystems. Bird-ringing campaigns, reforestation, telemetric monitoring or the installation of camera traps, there are many ways to improve the knowledge base that will help us better protect species and their habitats.

Our tours
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