A birding and photographic tour through the different altitudinal gradients on either side of the Andes in search of excellent bird photo opportunities.

Throughout the trip, we will cross different altitudinal gradients on either side of the Andes to explore northern Ecuador’s most renowned conservation projects. These nature and bird sanctuaries offer excellent opportunities for bird photography. Although hummingbirds, tanagers, and toucans will be the main targets of this bird photography trip, all other neotropical birds such as trogons, antbirds, tapaculos, antpittas, and the incredible cock-of-the-rock will also be on the target list. We will also see and photograph the most remarkable fauna of these neotropical ecosystems.

17 days
From 4125 US$
Birding tours Birding tours
Photo and bird watching tours Photo and bird watching tours

Your travel expert

Xavier Amigo

Responsible for naturalist, botanical and ornithological travel. Responsible of fixing and professional contact.

Xavier Amigo
Contact our expert
17 17 days

Day 1: Arrival in Ecuador - Quito


After your arrival at Quito International Airport (2800 meters / 9200 ft high), your guide will welcome you and give you a short briefing about the upcoming trip.

We will be immediately transferred to your hotel close to the airport and checked in. Depending on our arrival time, we can stroll around the hotel and make our first observations and photographs of typical species of the inter-Andean valley around the feeding and watering areas.

Transfer, English-speaking assistance

Harris's Hawk, Sparkling Violetear, Black-tailed Trainbearer, Giant Hummingbird, White-bellied Woodstar, Western Emerald, Great Thrush, Saffron Finch, Scrub Tanager, Blue and yellow Tanager, Eared Dove, Azara's Spinetail, Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet, Vermilion Flycatcher, Tropical Mockingbird, Hooded Siskin, Rufous-collared Sparrow, Yellow-breasted Brushfinch, Shiny Cowbird, Golden Grosbeak, Cinereous Conebill, Rusty Flowerpiercer.

Day 2: Quito - Calacali - Alambi - Tandayapa


Early departure from our hotel to the Chocó mountain region. After an hour of driving, we will make our first stop around the Calacalí area. This scrubby xerophytic hillside zone features arid vegetation and is known for being a prime spot to observe several rare species confined to the Guayllabamba Valley. The winding descent along the western foothills of the Andes will allow us to immerse ourselves in this Andean forest ecosystem. We’ll arrive at the entrance of the Tandayapa Valley, where we will visit the small ornithological reserve of the Alambi River (1550 meters of altitude). This first stop will allow us to easily observe and take pictures of many hummingbirds at the feeders and floral vegetation rich in textures and colors, inviting us to press the shutter happily. Lunch in front of the hummingbird feeders. In the afternoon, we leave for our next lodge, a little higher up in the Tandayapa Valley (1650 meters), in a transition zone between high subtropical and cloud forests. After settling into our rooms, we will go to the hide to continue our photography with several undergrowth species.

1 1 1
1hh00 + 1h15

Transport, English-speaking guide, entrance fees to the sites

White-tailed Shrike-Tyrant, Spot-billed Ground-Tyrant, Band-tailed Sierra-Finch, Purple-collared Woodstar. Giant Hummingbird, Burrowing Owl, Tufted Tit-Tyrants, and Golden-rumped Euphonia, White-booted Racket-tail, Gorgeted Sunangel, White-throated Daggerbill, Violet-tailed Sylph, Lesser Violetear, Brown Inca, Long-billed Starthroat, Velvet-purple Coronet, White-capped Dipper, Red-headed Barbet, Golden-headed Quetzal, Rufous Motmot, Black-chinned Mountain-Tanager, Golden-olive Woodpecker, Chestnut-capped Brush-Finch, Russet-crowned Warbler

Day 3: Lower Tandayapa Valley


This morning, we will go quietly to the photographic hide near the lodge to wait for some of the undergrowth birds that come to drink from the artificial waterhole. Depending on the climate and the food resources available in the forest, species diversity can vary greatly. A second, more open lookout in front of the Lodge will allow us to spot other species. From the platform, we will wait for the tanagers and other colourful species. The lower part of the Tandayapa Valley is a transition zone where some species from the subtropical Chocó mix with other species from the more mountainous areas. The rest of the day will be spent exploring this vital part of Ecuador's biodiversity.

Transport, English-speaking guide, entrance fees to the sites

White-necked Jacobin, Tawny-bellied Hermit, Golden-headed Quetzal, Collared Aracari, Red-billed Parrot, Streaked Tuftedcheek, Streak-capped Treehunter, White-throated Quail-Dove, Rufous Motmot, Streak-capped Treehunter, Beautifull Jay, Strong-billed Woodcreeper, Zeledon’s Antbird, Uniform Antshrike, Slaty-capped Flycatcher, Cinnamon Flycatcher, White-winged Becard, Tricolored Brushfinch, Russet-crowned Warbler, Black-capped Tanager, Western Hemispingus, Silver-throated Tanager

Day 4: Tandayapa - Bellavista


Depending on the species from the day before, the light, and the time, we will head to the most appropriate photographic sites to complete our portfolio of the lower Tandayapa Valley. In the afternoon, we’ll climb to our next lodge, which is located in the cloud forest (2250m). After settling into our rooms, we will take a moment to look at and photograph some new species of hummingbirds not seen until now. First trip at dusk in search of birds and nocturnal mammals, including the Olinguito (Bassaricyon neblina), a new species of carnivore belonging to the same family as raccoons and kinkajous. The lodge has several hides where you can get great shots of these nocturnal, tree-dwelling animals.

1 1 1
0h40 min

Transport, English-speaking guide, entrance fees to the sites

Wattled Guan, Bicolored Hawk, Black-and-chestnut Eagle, Collared Inca, Andean Pygmy-Owl, Common Potoo, Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan, White-faced Nunbird, Chestnut-crowned Antpitta, Nariño Tapaculo, Strong-billed Woodcreeper, Lineated Foliage-gleaner, Spotted Barbtail, Plain-tailed Wren, Ecuadorian Thrush, Golden-bellied Flycatcher, White-crested Elaenia, Pale-eyed Thrush, Powerful Woodpecker, Marble-faced Bristle-Tyrant, Ornate Flycatcher, Metallic-green Tanager, Capped Conebill,

Day 5: In the heart of the cloud forests


This primary forest in the middle of the Chocó mountain region will allow us to explore the biogeographic altitudinal stage of the subtropical rainforest, otherwise known as the "cloud forest.” Here, at an altitude of 2100 meters, we are in the midst of one of the richest ecosystems on the planet. We will spend the day walking the reserve trails for the undergrowth species. The edges of the wider trails will also allow us to observe more efficiently and try to understand the phenomenon of mixed flocks. Finally, the hummingbird feeders will help us relax while continuing our observations in this comfortable lodge. If we are lucky, we will be able to observe some of the endemic birds of the mythical Chocó mountain area in good photographic conditions.

Transport, English-speaking guide, entrance fees to the sites

Andean Guan, Speckle-faced Parrot, Cloud-forest Pygmy-Owl, Pallid Dove, Lyre-tailed Nightjar, Turquoise Jay, Toucan Barbet, Tyrannine Woodcreeper, Spilmann’s Tapaculo, Green-and-black Fruiteater, Wedge-billed Woodcreeper, Speckled Nightingale-Thrush, Blue-winged Mountain Tanager, Hooded Mountain Tanager, Grass-green Tanager, Olive Finch, Plushcap, Tanager Finch, Slaty Spinetail, Yellow Tyrannulet, Ochre-bellied Flycatcher, Bronze-olive Pygmy-Tyrant, Chestnut-bellied Chat-Tyrant, Blue-necked Tanager.

Day 6: Bellavista – Sant Tadeo - Sachatamia


This morning, one of our many options will be to visit the moth feeder at first light; this feeder attracts many insectivorous species that can generally be hard to see this well. In the middle of the day, we descend to the Mindo Valley, where we’ll make another photographic stop at the "hides" of the small San Tadeo reserve (1750 meters) for more tanagers and other passerines before heading to our charming new accommodation in the heights of the Mindo Valley. This day may vary depending on the photographic opportunities at the various known sites in the area. Dinner and overnight stay at the charming Sachatamia lodge.

1 1 1

Transport, English-speaking guide, entrance fees to the sites

Sickle-winged Guan, , Ecuadorian Thrush, Hoary Puffleg, Tooth-billed Hummingbird, Toucan Barbet, Crested Quetzal, Ocellated Tapaculo, Streaked Tuftedcheek, Rusty-winged Barbtail, Flammulated Treehunter, Striped Treehunter, Rufous Spinetail, Grey-breasted Wood-Wren, White-tailed Tyrannulet, Flavescent Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied Chat-Tyrant, Andean Solitaire, Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush, Golden Tanager, Crimson-rumped Toucanet, Black-winged Saltator, Golden-napped Tanager, Dusky Chlorospingus, Black-crested Warbler, Black-eared Hemispingus, Grass-green Tanager, Masked Flowerpiercer.

Day 7: Sachatamia - Milpe - Amagusa


n the early morning, we'll head to the two hides near the lodge, eagerly anticipating the arrival of certain understory species and rare frugivorous birds attracted by fruit.  After breakfast, we head to the small Milpe Reserve. This reserve, managed by the Mindo Cloud Forest Foundation, is in the heart of a subtropical foothill forest (1100 meters). The rest of the day, we will explore the trails that crisscross this beautiful forest and the surrounding semi-open areas. We will visit several leks of different species of manakins and spend some time taking photos at the various hummingbird feeders and fruit feeders in the reserve. Then, we'll take the road back to our next lodge. Possible stops will be made along the dirt road to complete our observations of higher-altitude species. Arrive in the Mashpi region to settle into a new charming lodge in the heart of one of the country's most impressive bird reserves. Dinner and overnight stay on site.

1 1 1
2h40 min

Transport, English-speaking guide, entrance fees to the sites

Dark-backed Wood-Quail, Bronze-winged Parrot, Green Thorntail, Rufous Motmot, Green Thorntail, Red-headed Barbet, Choco Toucan, Pale-mandibled Araçari, Chestnut-backed Antbird, Immaculate Antbird, Rufous-breasted Antthrush, Long-wattled Umbrellabird, Scaled Fruiteater, Sharpe's Wren, Club-winged Manakin, Choco Warbler, Western Woodhunter, Plain-brown Woodcreeper, Brown-billed Scythebill, Spotted Woodcreeper, Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner, Streak-capped Treehunter, Pacific Hornero, One-colored Becard, Rufous-throated Tanager, Bay-headed Tanager,

Day 8: Amagusa and Mashpi valley


Amagusa is one of those new must-visit reserves for enthusiasts of rare and emblematic species of the neotropics. The tremendous conservation effort by Doris and Sergio, the owners, has transformed this part of the upper Mashpi Valley into an iconic and exemplary reserve in Ecuador. Simply put, birds abound here. Among the various options available to us, a first dawn birding session will be possible with a large number of insectivorous species around the lodge, which visit the moth feeder in the early morning.  You only have to step out of our rooms to enjoy the show. After a good breakfast and a list of at least 60 species, we'll take the main road in search of some other rare species from the forest edges.  The other photography sectors of the reserve are equally impressive. We won’t miss a moment or space in this magical place; a tip: bring extra batteries and memory cards— Dinner and overnight at the same Lodge.

Transport, English-speaking guide, entrance fees to the sites

Choco Vireo, Lemon-spectacled Tanager, Barred Becard, Streaked Tuftedcheek, Choco Warbler, Uniform Antshrike, Choco Tyrannulet, Rose-faced Parrot, Orange-breasted Fruiteater, Wedge-billed Hummingbird, Pacific Tuftedcheek, Bicolored Antbird, Orange-breasted Fruiteater, Rufous-brown Solitaire, Black Solitaire, Indigo Flowerpiercer, Cryptic Becard, Crimson-bellied Woodpecker, Western Woodhaunter, South American Leaftosser, Brown-billed Scythebill, Golden-winged Manakin, Double-toothed Kite, Green Thorntail, Geoffroy's Daggerbill, Tawny-faced Gnatwren, Green Honeycreeper, White-winged Tanager, Moss-backed Tanager, Gray-and-gold Tanager, Emerald Tanager, Choco Vireo,

Day 9: Amagusa - Oilbird Cave - Paz de las Aves


This additional morning on-site will allow us to complete our list with species not seen the previous day. After breakfast, it will be time to bid farewell to our hosts and hit the road towards the canyon of the Guayllabamba River to visit the Cueva de los Tayos. The Cueva de los Tayos Reserve is the best place in Ecuador to get close to the strange cave-dwelling Oilbirds. Managed by local farmers committed to preserving this resting site for these unique nocturnal birds, this private reserve also has a special mission to address the damage caused by agricultural activities in the region. Additionally, a long list of complementary birds can also be observed here, and we’ll make a few stops along the way to add new species. There is the possibility of making a cultural stop at the archaeological site of Tulipe, where the Yumbo civilization left behind beautiful stone infrastructure. Arrival in Pintag by the end of the day. Night in a hight altitude Hacienda, near the Antisana National Park.

Transport, English-speaking guide, entrance fees to the sites

White-throated Crake, Pale-vented Pigeon, Little Cuckoo, Oilbird, Black-cheeked Woodpecker, Scaly-naped Parrot, Olivaceous Piculet, Guayaquil Woodpecker, Scarlet-backed Woodpecker, Pacific Antwren, Masked Water-Tyrant, Piratic Flycatcher, Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant, Boat-billed Flycatcher, Mouse-gray Flycatcher, White-thighed Swallow, Striped Cuckoo, Rufous-tailed Jacamar, Dull-colored Grassquit, Olive-crowned Yellowthroat, White-shouldered Tanager, Black-striped Sparrow

Day 10: Paz de las Aves – Pintag


After breakfast, we explore the Paz de las Aves reserve. We descend on foot to the cock-of-the-rock lek (Rupicola peruviana sanguinolenta), where we can photograph the mating dance of this unusual Continga. This reserve, situated at an altitude of 1800 metres, is the scene of an incredible show. Angel Paz, the owner, has managed to accustom five species of Antpitta, a wood-quail, an antthrush, and a few other rarities to come and look for their food on regular sites. We will be able to observe and photograph these almost invisible undergrowth birds. We will also spend some time near the hummingbird and fruit feeders. We have lunch here and then return to the trails to get more good shots. In the late afternoon, we will take the road to the Antisana Ecological Reserve. 

1 1 1
Hacienda Tambo Condor - (3500 metres / 11500 ft above sea level)

Transport, English-speaking guide, entrance fees to the sites

Barred Hawk, Rufescent Screech-Owl, Dark-backed Wood-Quail, Andean Cock of the Rock, Giant Antpitta, Yellow-breasted Antpitta, Ochre-breasted Antpitta, Moustached Antpitta, Streak-headed Antbird, Ocellated Tapaculo, Uniform Treehunter, Flame-faced Tanager, Black-capped Tanager, Black-chinned Mountain-Tanager, Lemon-rumped Tanager Metallic-green Tanager, Flame-faced Tanager, Black-capped Tanager, Golden-napped Tanager, Black-chinned Mountain-Tanager, Golden-hooded Tanager, Slaty-backed Nightingale-thrush

Day 11: Antisana


After breakfast, we will take the short road to the Antisana Ecological Reserve. From a platform, we will scan the Condor nesting cliffs with a telescope. This site is where one of the most important populations of the country is found. We will then explore the grassy and scrubby vegetation of the highlands in search of hummingbirds and alto-andine passerines, and then climb to the expanses of Andean steppe called páramo. Diversity at this altitude (almost 4000 metres 13000 ft) is low, but the species visible here are all adapted to this particular ecosystem. Then, a short walk along the lagoon of La Mica will allow us to observe some aquatic birds. In the early afternoon, we return to the lower areas to have lunch around hummingbird feeders and to try to observe one of the rarest mammals of this ecosystem: the Spectacled Bear.

1 1 1
Hacienda Tambo Condor - (3500 metres / 11500 ft above sea level)

Transport, English-speaking guide, entrance fees to the sites

Andean Condor, Black-chested Buzzard Eagle, Variable Hawk, Aplomado Falcon, Carunculated Caracara, Black-winged Ground Dove, Ecuadorian Hillstar, AndeanTit-Spinetaiil, Many-striped Canastero, Black-tailed Trainbearer, Tawny Antpitta, Chestnut-winged Cinclodes, Andean Teal, Andean Ruddy Duck, Yellow-billed Pintail, Silvery Grebe, Andean Lapwing, Slate-colored Coot, Andean Ibis, Plain-capped Ground-Tyrant, Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant, Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant, Brown-bellied Swallow, Paramo Pipit, Plumbeous Sierra Finch.

Day 12: Papallacta – Guango – San Isidro


This morning, we will explore the super wet Páramo areas of the Cayambe Coca reserve. From the Papallacta Pass at an altitude of over 4000 metres / 13000 ft asl, we will search for Ecuador's main highland species in a mosaic of ecosystems: temperate forest, super humid páramo, lagoons, elfin scrub, and Polylepis woodland. If the weather is good, we will climb up to the antennas at an altitude of more than 4300 meters / 14000 ft in search of the most specialized species. We descend to the small reserve of Guango for lunch , where we will take time to explore the very productive Hummingbird´s garden. In the late afternoon, we continue our descent along the eastern foothills. We will cross a wide altitudinal gradient between elfin, high-Andean, and cloud forests to reach our next lodge, where we will spend two nights.

Transport, English-speaking guide, entrance fees to the sites

Andean Guan, Blue-mantled Thornbill, Viridian Metaltail, Mountain Avocetbill, Mountain Velvetbreast, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Bronzy Inca, Stout-billed Cinclodes, Many-striped Canastero, Bar-bellied Woodpecker, Giant Conebill, White-throated Tyrannulet, Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe, Green-and-black Fruiteater, Dusky Piha, Red-crested Cotinga, Rufous Spinetail, Black-backed Bush Tanager, White-capped Dipper, Torrent Duck, Red-hooded Tanager, Citrine Warbler, Masked Mountain Tanager, Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan, Blue-and-black Tanager, Blue-backed Conebill,

Day 13: San Isidro


These high-altitude tropical forests are also called cloud forests because of the magical mist that covers them for part of the day. This almost constant humidity allows the development of vegetation rich in epiphytes, mosses, orchids, bromeliads, cacti, etc., as well as frogs, birds, and small mammals. In the afternoon, we will visit the scientific station of Yanayacu, where scientists have developed several research projects on the reproductive biology of Ecuadorian birds, as well as a project to study the parasites of several particularly attractive species of caterpillars, which will be the perfect opportunity for a macro photo session. One of the scientists from the station will present all these projects in more detail. After dinner, we will try to observe an owl (Choliba sp.) which might be a new species for science.

Transport, English-speaking guide, entrance fees to the sites

Tourmaline Sunangel, Chestnut-tipped Toucanet, Lined Forest-Falcon, Andean Potoo, Rufous-banded Owl, "San Isidro's Owl", Lineated Foliage-gleaner, Yellow-vented Woodpecker, Pearled Treerunner, Montane Foliage-gleaner, Streak-headed Antbird, White-bellied Antpitta, Rufous-headed Pygmy-Tyrant, Handsome Flycatcher, Sulphur-bellied Tyrannulet, Mountain Cacique, Bluish Flowerpiercer, Oleaginous Hemispingus, Golden-collared Honeycreeper, Capped Conebill, Three-striped Warbler, White-capped Tanager,

Day 14: San Isidro – WildSumaco


At first light, we will go to the lodge’s hides to observe and photograph some additional species. We will stay there most of the morning before taking a moment around the hummingbird feeders. Then, it will be time to take a long drive towards the eastern foothills of the Andes to our next lodge in the buffer zone of Sumaco National Park. Wil make a few stop along the road to visit a few humminbirds gardens and also explore this realy nice forets. We will arrive at WildSumaco Lodge on late afternoon. This lodge is set in the middle of the Amazonian subtropical forest (1500 meters) and has more than 500 bird species reported, a considerable number for a site in the upper Amazon.

Transport, English-speaking guide, entrance fees to the sites

Swallow-tailed Kite, Black Hawk-Eagle, Orange-breasted Falcon, Green-backed Hillstar, Black-throated Brilliant, Violet-headed Hummingbird, Fork-tailed Woodnymph, Many-spotted Hummingbird, Golden-tailed Sapphire, Fasciated Tiger-Heron, Chestnut-fronted Macaw, Lineated Woodpecker, Lined Antshrike, White-breasted Wood-Wren, Black-billed Thrush, Golden-faced Tyrannulet, Violaceous Jay, Silver-beaked Tanager, Turquoise Tanager, Paradise Tanager, Slate-colored Grosbeak, Yellow-browed Sparrow.

Day 15: WildSumaco Wildlife Sanctuary


WildSumaco is one of those isolated reserves which, although little known to the general public, are extremely rich in birdlife. Conservation and research projects have documented many species that are typically rare and difficult to observe. The accommodation infrastructure and numerous trails provide access to an ecosystem that has long been isolated because it is wedged between the Amazon foothills and the high Andes. Therefore, we will explore these two very different habitats over the next two days. We will explore the roadsides, the subtropical rainforest trails, and the forest creeks. We will also spend some time around the feeder areas and on the viewing platforms in front of the lodge.

Transport, English-speaking guide, entrance fees to the sites

Short-tailed Antthrush, Ecuadorian Piedtail, Golden-tailed Sapphire, Gould’s Jewelfront, Plain-backed Antpitta, Striolated Puffbird, Black-mandibled Toucan, Chestnut-crowned Gnateater, Buff-throated Todi-Tyrant, Black Tinamou, Military Macaw, Wire-crested Thorntail, Gray-tailed Piha, Black-mandibled Toucan, Shrike-like Cotinga, Red-billed Tyrannulet, Paradise Tanager, Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan, Yellow-throated Spadebill, Fiery-throated Fruiteater

Day 16: WildSumaco – Quito


The reserve at the foot of the extinct Sumaco volcano protects a huge area of untouched foothill forest dotted with clearings, ancient grasslands, and secondary forest in recovery. During this last morning, we will enjoy the hummingbird feeders which have registered among the most impressive lists in South America with 24 visiting species. Around the lodge are several hides where you can photograph the rarest birds in the area. After that, it will be time to drive back to the Ecuadorian capital. On the way, we’ll stop at a brand-new reserve near Baeza for some surprises—arrival in Quito at the end of the afternoon.

Transport, English-speaking guide, entrance fees to the sites

Undulated Tinamou, Speckled Chachalaca, Gray-cowled Wood-Rail, Band-bellied Owl, Blue-headed Parrot, White-eyed Parakeet, Wire-crested Thorntail, Gray-tailed Piha, Black-mandibled Toucan, Spot-winged Antbird, Common Scale-backed Antbird, Blue-crowned Trogon, Chestnut-eared Aracari, Black-billed Treehunter, Andean Cock-of-the-rock, Amazonian Umbrellabird, Red-billed Tyrannulet, White-winged Becard, White-chinned Swift, Plain Antvireo, Wing-banded Wren, Gilded Barbet,

Day 17: Yanacocha – Zurro Loma - Quito


Early departure from Quito to the entrance of Yanacocha, a private reserve owned by the Ecuadorian Jocotoco Foundation, covering 960 hectares on the northwestern slopes of the Pichincha volcano. From the car park, we will take the path on the side of the volcano, which will lead us through typical Andean highland and temperate forest vegetation. We will be attentive to the numerous mixed flocks of high-altitude tanagers that feed in the heart of this dense forest. The hummingbird feeders along the short trail will give us beautiful views of some common highland species. A little further down, the small hummingbird garden of Zuro Loma allows us, with a lot of luck, to observe the rare Black-breasted Puffleg, one of the rarest hummingbirds in the world. Late afternoon return to the international airport for our flight back home.

1 1

Transport, English-speaking guide, entrance fees to the sites

Shining Sunbeam, Great Saphhirewing, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Buff-winged Starfrontlet, Black-breasted Puffleg (May to December), Sapphire-vented Puffleg, Golden-beasted Puffleg, White-browed Spinetail, Pearled Treerunner, Crowned Chat-Tyrant, Barred Fruiteater, Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager, Black-chested Mountain-Tanager

Dates of the next departures

Departures possible all year round, best season between August and March.

From Nov 16 to Dec 02, 2024
Open to booking (6 places left)
From Jan 11 to Jan 27, 2025
Open to booking (4 places left)

You want a personalized departure date? Contact us. Request a personalized date

Dates Status
From Nov 16 to Dec 02, 2024 Open to booking (6 places left)
From Jan 11 to Jan 27, 2025 Open to booking (4 places left)

Prices per person

Year 2 travelers 4 travelers 6 travelers 8 travelers
2024 5,775 US$ 4,725 US$ 4,125 US$ 3,595 US$

You are a group of travelers and want a special rate? Contact us. Request a personalized quote


Single room
2 travelers 4 travelers 6 travelers
385 US$ 385 US$ 385 US$


  • Private transport (gas, road taxes, parking, insurance of vehicle and passengers).
  • All transfers, as mentioned.
  • Bilingual naturalist guide for the mainland.
  • Entrance fees to the reserves.
  • 24-hour assistance.
  • Accommodation in a double room with private bathroom.
  • Meals as mentioned, picnics for some hikes.
  • Ecuador Bird Guide.
  • Checklist of the birds of Ecuador.
  • Telescope if available to participants.
  • Water during transportation.

Not included

  • International flights (you can consult our list of tour operators offering flights).
  • Excursions and activities indicated as optional in the programme.
  • Some meals (count between 10 and 18 US$/meal).
  • Single room supplement.
  • Soft and alcoholic drinks during meals.
  • Personal expenses.
  • Personal insurance.
  • Bank commissions related to payments.

Payment and reservation terms

To book your tour, please confirm your agreement in writing to the local Ecuador Experience agent.

  • Deposit of 30% of the invoice amount at the time of booking
  • Secure online payment by credit card (Visa, Master Card or American Express) (a payment link will be sent to you at the current USD/EUR exchange rate).
  • The balance must be paid at the latest 45 days before the arrival in Ecuador, according to the same modalities.

The agency declines all responsibility for the execution of the confirmed services in case of non-compliance with the above payment terms.

Important note

Itineraries may be subject to last-minute changes due to natural disasters or changes in domestic legislation. The visitor must take into account and accept the possibility of last-minute changes in the organisation of the trip. The operator therefore reserves the right to make the necessary changes to ensure the safety and integrity of the travellers and to respect the laws in force. The hotels are given as an indication only and are subject to availability at the time of booking the tour. In case of unavailability, a hotel of the same category will be proposed.


Formalities: Passport valid 6 months after your return date. No visa is required at this time. Your health insurance (private or public) is mandatory to enter Ecuador.

Vaccinations: Although no vaccinations are compulsory, we advise you to consider vaccinations against tetanus, yellow fever and hepatitis A and B as essential.

We recommend that you consult your doctor before departure and that you take out insurance to cover medical expenses and repatriation.

Concerning parasitic diseases transmitted by mosquito bites (such as malaria, dengue fever, Chikungunya), please note that Quito and the centre of the country and the Galapagos are not affected. Furthermore, the majority of the country's risk areas are not in the areas we visit on our tours.

* In US dollars based on double occupancy (single supplements not included). These rates are valid for the dates selected but may be subject to increase at the time of booking and depending on the tourist season and local holidays. Our quotations are calculated in US Dollars and we are committed to this amount. The equivalent value in Euros or in any other currency is therefore indicative and calculated on the basis of the exchange rate on the day of the offer.

Your guides for this trip

Xavier Amigo

Xavier Amigo

es fr ca br
A great enthusiast of the neo-tropical environment, he has now resided for more than 25 years in Ecuador, where he founded Nature Experience. A self-taught ornithologist and naturalist, he holds a diploma in Conservation Strategy and Techniques in the neo-tropical zone, an active member of several conservation foundations and a founding member of the National Bird Watch Network ( RedAvesEcuador). He will help you in the elaboration of your natural, ornithological and professional requests. He will also share with you his experience of more than fifteen years as a guide in Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil but also in Peru and the Galapagos.
Guillaume Normand

Guillaume Normand

en es fr
Guillaume has been passionate about nature and hiking since he was a child, and has been interested in ornithology, his new passion, for the past ten years. Born in Lille, France, Guillaume now lives in Ecuador, with his Ecuadorian wife, in the Cuenca region, where he runs a local birdwatching association to help as many people as possible discover this magnificent world and help preserve increasingly fragile ecosystems. Guillaume will accompany you all over Ecuador to help you discover its most beautiful places.
Vincent Mouret

Vincent Mouret

en es fr
A passionate ornithologist and naturalist for many years, Vincent trained as a biologist specializing in evolution and ecology, and travels the globe discovering avian fauna. After spending four years in Ecuador as a resident bird guide, he fell under the spell of South America and its winged inhabitants. With boundless enthusiasm, he accompanies trips to South America and Europe. In addition to his indispensable binoculars, he will be equipped with a telescope, recording and spotting equipment, and several identification guides. But above all, he'll bring with him his beaming smile and unrivalled expertise in the field.

Characteristics of the trip

Travel theme

Birding, nature and photography


Bilingual specialist guide


From 2 to 6 people

Arrival city


Departure city



Charming hotels, lodges and haciendas

Physical condition

Easy to moderate (some walks at altitude, although slow, can be tiring)

Best season

between August and March
Personnalisez votre voyage with Birding Experience

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